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Facility Design Services
How We Do It
Facility Design Services has an architectural design process that truly works for all dealers. We have 15 experienced dealership architects located across the United States. We also provide classroom and field training on manufacturer's programs, and our architects align themselves with the manufacturer's regional staff.
The FDS process consists of the following phases:
Initial Design Visit: Our architects schedule and visit the dealership for one to three days to establish the design direction.
Deliverable Preparation: All deliverables such as plans, cost estimates, renderings, etc. are produced off-site and checked, reviewed and the Deliverables Binders are created.
Final Presentation Visit: The architect returns to the dealership, all the design items and program details are reviewed and finalized, often meetings with potential contractors are conducted. FDS continues to be avaliable for questions throughout the duration of the project.
Initial Design Visit
The initial design visit for the Facility Design Services process typically begins with a kickoff meeting which may include Regional personnel. During this meeting the following is accomplished:
Any existing plans that have been previously supplied by the dealer are reviewed.
Objectives, timing, budget, and municipal requirements are discussed.
The site and building are photographed.
CAD plans of the existing site, floor plan, and elevations are created, measured, and verified.
Site specific finishes and/or leasehold recommendations are developed.
At the end of the initial design visit, the proposed design is presented to the dealer and staff, often with regional personnel included if available.
Deliverables Preparation
Once the initial visit is concluded, the plans are emailed to Facility Design Services for checking and formatting. During this phase, FDS performs the following tasks:
Finish the schedule and/or check leasehold recommendations.
Prepare the preliminary construction cost estimate.
Create, prepare and frame the computer generated rendering.
Plot existing and propose drawings.
Assemble the color and material sample boards and source lists.
Binders that contain all the deliverables are assembled and prepared for dealer, contactor, region, and coporate. The binders contain the following deliverables:
CAD drawn Exisitng conditions of site plan, floor plan, and elevations:
These are all essential to designing new or renovated facilities.
CAD drawn Proposed site, floor, and elevation plans
A thoroughly thought out solution for the entire location!
Finish schedule and leasehold recommendations.
What finishes go where.
Framed computer generated rendering of the proposed facility.
Can be used for zoning meetings or to be put on display for customers and employees to see the final product!
Preliminary detailed construction cost estimate.
Estimates are developed based on site specific labor rates and material costs. You have to know what its going to cost!
When completed, the binders are packaged and shipped to the dealer for presentation. Experienced, regionally based FDS architects provide local area knowledge and assistance as well as specific automotive dealership design knowledge throughout this phase. After the deliverables have been completed, the Final Presentation is scheduled.
Final Presentation
At the final presentation the drawings, finish schedule & leasehold recommendations, color and material sample board, rendering, and cost estimate are reviewed in detail. Dealers are encouraged to have their architect and contractor present during the review process, and regional personnel often participate. In addition, when applicable, the manufacturer incentive program is reviewed and enrollment signatures are obtained.
Throughout the full development of the project, Facility Design Services remains readily avaliable to the dealer, architects, and contractors. In some programs, FDS reviews the final permit site plan, floor plan,and elevations to compare them with the original concept design and the manufacturer's requirements. FDS then issues a letter of approval or a letter requiring revisions for compliance. If necessary, FDS may visit the completed facility to verify that the final construction meets the manufacturer's requirements.
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